Can't Get A Handle on Denmark
It's been a while since I've updated the Blog... Apologies for that but I've been HUGELY busy lately with a week in September chasing business abroad and then a two week 'holiday'. I've put holiday in apostrophes because the plan was for a fortnight of doing a Michael Jackson in reverse... namely changing my skin colour from fairly pale to mahogany but, instead, by the end of it, I was close to building an ark on the beach to escape the rising waters! I've never seen so much rain in Greece! At least it gave me a real chance to catch up on the writing... I'd always planned to do a fair bit, but even I surprised myself with working on 31 songs (!!).
In case you're not familiar with my main lyrico website, please check out some of my co-writes via this link sample co-writes
Anyway, enough waffle... so why the title of this posting? Well, when I was travelling on business in Copenhagen, I was faced with one of the most absurd bits of design and style over practicality I've ever witnessed. Now, admittedly, I've been lucky enough to stay at some pretty nice hotels in my time, and, some of these are 'arty' (and even a bit pretentious), but I've never encountered design that makes it impossible for an Englishman to have a cup of tea at breakfast without inflicting third degree burns to his fingers! Can you imagine having a self-service system (you know, the great big urn of boiling water, a pile of tea bags, milk from another urn and sachets of sugar) without having cups and saucers, just great big china mugs... with no handles! No trays either, so the restaurant area of the hotel was reduced to a blur or rapidly running grimacing diners... even the contingency of Far Eastern tourists were reduced to exclamations of Arrggghhhhhh-So! I'm still waiting for my fingerprints to grow back! (Do fingerprints grow back? Hmmm. According to an Internet search - if you trust what you read! - they do.)
Having slagged off the practicality of their design, Copenhagen is actually a wonderful city (as the song says!). Here's a mug shot to get a handle on!... (Groan!)
And then on to Holland...

Perhaps the nice, helpful (isn't sarcasm wonderful?) people at the car hire place in Schiphol Airport set the tone for the Holland visit, 'cause I'd like to be positive about Amsterdam but, I have to sadly admit, it was far, far too sleazy a dump for me! It wasn't so much the jaw-dropping sights of the red light area, but rather the constant barrage of extremely unsavoury looking guys peddling hard drugs that ruined it for me. It all looks better by daylight though...

Anyway, many new songs (and Blog updates) to follow...
All the best for now, Chris