Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Many New Songs On The Way
Just a very quick update on some forthcoming projects:
- Tristan Spencer - I'm busy co-writing Tristan's debut album. We're 7 songs in, so far, and have another 6 tracks we've penned for other artists to cover (4 female, 2 male). Check four of our songs here:
- Rolf and Keeley - I've written 6 Country Rock songs with Rolf Schnyder in Switzerland Rolf won the John Lennon Songwriting Contest in the Country Section this year, so I'm hugely honoured to be working with him. We've got the very talented Keeley Camilleri recording these six tracks and we'll be promoting those as soon as they are produced up and mixed.
- Isham - in a funk/R&B/Urban direction, I'm writing more tracks for Isham. Watch this space: Isham
Attention (Dance/Pop) and Give My Heart A Chance (Pop) (Both co-written with Tristan), a Latino song (Let The Night Burn) and an R&B track called Do Love. Top-line melodies and lyrics for the last three of these were by yours truly.
I will get round to uploading snippets onto the LYRICO website at some point soon! When I get time!
All the best for now,
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Travel can be such a bl**dy fiasco, can't it? I set off from the hotel in Boston at 1:00 PM on Thursday 11th and got to the airport with around 3 hours to spare... just in case. Good thing, 'cause I found my flight to Newark, New Jersey, had been cancelled but luckily (or so I thought at the time) they checked me in on an earlier flight. Then notices started to appear on the displays that this one was now delayed. After finally boarding, the plane just sat on the tarmac for another 90 minutes waiting to get a take off slot. When we finally got airborne I realised it was going to be touch and go about making my connection to Birmingham (and no... that wasn't my visit to Birmingham, I was there again a week or so later!) In fact, as we landed in Newark and taxied in I could see a Continental 757 pulling away from a gate... I hoped it wasn't mine, but despite the mad dash (treating slow moving people in the way with the sort of respect a bowling ball shows 10 standing pins), I found the gate closed and the gentleman behind it informing me of what I was now painfully aware of... I'd missed my flight back! (And I've never done that before in all my years of travelling!)
The Continental 'help' desk (inverted commas for a good reason!) gave me a couple of choices: going to France a few hours later then flying out from Paris the following afternoon to Birmingham; or staying over locally and repeating the attempt to jet off to Birmingham direct, just 24 hours later from the flight I'd missed. I chose the latter and was given a voucher for a hotel at the airport. Great I said, but what about my bags? (For a change of clothes etc.) "Oh, if you want your luggage, I'll key into the computer to get them sent through. Just go down two floors to baggage reclaim and they'll guide you..." I duly did this and sat in front of Carousel 9 waiting for my case. Nothing for 45 minutes, so I went back to baggage reclaim where I was told it can take an hour. Half an hour later I went back to the desk, and was told it was going to be two... "Just wait another hour". Nothing. After three hours the local yanks got a taste of some pure Anglo Saxon vocabulary! I was then told by the new person on the desk that as I had requested the bag after 7PM it would NOT be dispatched and was now in a storage hold awaiting tomorrow's flight. More Anglo Saxon vocabulary. (Sorry, but I'd sat there like a lemon for three hours having been completely misinformed by the so called 'help team'. I was also very tired and hungry!) So, without luggage, I then took the shuttle bus to my hotel only to find that by now all the rooms were taken! ("we didn't think you were coming, Sir.") Argghhh! The receptionist made a call and I was told another bus would take me (and the collection of other unfortunates) to an alternative hotel that DID have rooms. After trying to board two busses that said Holiday Inn (ah, but not to MY Holiday Inn), eventually a minibus arrived and drove us all to some Newark suburb called Carteret... A Holiday Inn Motel right next to the 14 lane New Jersey Turnpike with hot and cold running trucks rumbling through the night completely free of charge!
Anyway, all's well that ends well, because after some business on Friday morning, I found myself with four or five hours to kill before my flight check-in. Looking at a map, I realised that the turnpike headed all the way into New York, so a few minutes later I got a bus and an hour later was in Manhattan charging up 8th Avenue towards Central Park, then heading down 5th counting the 'Wests' down from 57 to 34 for a quick jaunt up to the top of the Empire State Building! Wow! Absolutely fantastic it was too! (Though somewhat of a 'brown trouser job' for people like me who suffer from vertigo!!)
I no doubt ended up shedding pounds (of sweat, I hasten to add!!) in my three hour mad-dash, just getting back in time on the bus to flag the courtesy airport shuttle down... I know I can cut things fine, but it was leaving 10 minutes early, damn it! So, I've 'accidentally' got to see a little of New York as well as loads of Boston! Boston, by the way, was superb... a fantastic place! I had two free days at the start (as I was working Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday) so I walked the red-brick 2.5 mile Freedom Trail, went on the USS Constitution "Old Ironsides" (the oldest still commissioned warship in the world, launched in the 1797), drank beers in Cheers (yes, it's a real pub!), and The Bell In Hand (the oldest pub in America) and on Saturday took a bus out to Cape Cod...
I'll write about Berlin when I've got my Breath back...
All the best,
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Busy, busy, busy…
All the best,
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Just a quick note because I realise I haven't posted anything this month so far... and I'm running out of time to do it. So in typical '' fashion (yes, I have been nicknamed that at times!) here is a quick update...
Niamh's CD demo co-written with Torgeir Bjordal of Fuelled Productions and recorded at YFM Bergen is now launched and there is already interest from a major label. Again, great news!
I've been working on a new R&B track and a Latino song with Andy McNeil. Both are being produced up now. Watch this space for further news on those.
Tristan and I are working on dance/pop songs for a girl band (name to be disclosed if we get the contract!).
Promise I'll write more soon... And make it funny next time! Do check out my main two sites and link in if you can. &
All the best,
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

On a totally different note, just to prove that ol' Chris Breen here, can write lyrics and top-lines in very (even extremely!) diverse genres of music (no pigeon holes here!!), Hey Old Friend, a traditional country song has been featured on pod radio broadcasts 'State Side'. This track started out as a backing track that came across to me from Actor, Singer and Musician Paul Gelsomine in Norway. I wrote a top-line and then Paul adapted that to suit his voice and style. Please check out the links below to hear that song... What d'you mean you can't dance to it?

Speak soon.
All the best,
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Cyprus Writing Session...
When I've downloaded the photos I might post a couple here.
Please keep checking out tracks on the sites:
All the best,
Tuesday, January 02, 2007

So why have I waited until now to announce it to the world? Well, that's a long story... Are you sitting comfortably? (Visions of Ronnie Corbett and a somewhat rambling tale... "Anyway, as I was saying"... Actually, I won't bore you with the details. Suffice to say..." Stop it, Chris!)
Anyway, I decided to buy another 7 domains before launching this site (see, it's an eight roomed caravan already!) and that's when the problems started. Honestly, it was easier buying my house... though, mercifully, the domains were somewhat cheaper! Anyway, it's all sorted, so wipe your feet on the welcome mat and take a look round my new cyberspace caravan...
All the best,
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006

Click on the banner above to visit the Lyrico Website - and to hear sample songs click here
All the very best,
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Lost In Love Town Album released by Paul Jeffery - available to buy here:
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Don't worry... If we miss this one, there'll be another F**ker soon!
All the best,
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Can't Get A Handle on Denmark

Saturday, September 09, 2006
All’s Changed! “Nothing’s Changed” has Changed Hands!
Chris Breen signs a Publishing Deal with Leopard Music

One other track, All Because Of You is earmarked for the opener and single on a forthcoming album… But if that doesn’t happen (Hey! You know what this business is like!), we are happy knowing that Leopard want to sign that song too.
Just arrived in from Torgeir's studios in Bergen, Norway is our latest co-write, I Don't Know, again featuring the fantastic vocals of young Irish singer Niahm. Be one of the very first to hear this song by clicking HERE.
Regular visitors to this Blog and to my Lyrico Website will know that Torgeir is one of the main composers and producers I work with and if you listen to the co-writes on the site and All I Want From Love (co-written with Paul Jeffery and produced by Torgeir), you’ll get an idea of the pop-rock sound that I absolutely love working on. My favourite is the powerful and so, so catchy Independence Day. If you’re a professional songwriter and you also write in this style and need a lyricist on a project, or a co-writing team, you know where Torgeir and I can be found! Please just email me on
In addition to hopefully doing many more co-writes with both Torgeir and Paul over the next year, I’m working on a new pop-rock project with Mark Francis, along with two ongoing dance music ones (Paul again with producer Sharon Sullivan) and the second with writer/producer Richard Cory. Please watch this space to hear a range of new commercial/pop songs (hopefully coming soon!) or get in touch with me if you need material writing in that style for your project!
In a completely different vein, I’ve just completed the third co-write with a new writing partner, Glenn Tollett. All three songs are in a Classical/Popular-Opera vein and two are currently being recorded-up by a new talent in the Opera field, the award-winning live performer, Carl Taylor. We’re hoping these recordings will be available on the Lyrico website soon, but, in the meantime listen to the Scott Davies versions of the first song, Love To Love Again (in English) or Italian (Fammi Innamorar'!!).
Well, apologies for the lack of ‘funnies’ on this posting, but I thought I best at least do one that’s about the music and some real news (for a change!). I promise I'll get utterly daft again for the next posting!
Look after yourselves.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A Stupor in Stoupa?

Sunday, July 30, 2006
Ah Vienna... Conferences & Heat
I've just got back from a six days in Vienna, mostly work-related (running a stand at an international conference) though last Saturday involved a 7 hour hike round the city punctuated with stops for the odd Shandy... er, Austrian Beer (with a thirst reminiscent of Ice Cold In Alex, if you remember the film!). Now, at this point I have to take issue with Midge and the Ultravox boys and that line "It means nothing to me... Ah, Vienna", 'cause the place is absolutely awesome! And what nice people too. I really can't remember going to such a friendly place (apart from the obligatory Greek Islands which are always populated by some of the most hospitable and easy-going people in the world... that's the locals, not the Brits abroad, by the way!). So yes, Vienna is a must for another visit.
OK... finally on to music. I'm really busy writing on a few projects... as usual. I'm working on more songs for Paul Jeffery (who's already working on his follow-up album to Lost In Love Town) and I'm starting a new dance co-write (or three) with Richard Cory. These tracks may well become part of the Sundance Songs stable when finished. Paul and I are also working on a couple of new songs and some co-writes for Georgie (Georgina Carter). I'm also anticipating working on a couple of new tracks for Glenn Tollett, as the previous co-write seems to have gone down really well. (Please check out the links: Love To Love Again / Fammi Innamorar'!!)
Anyway, hopefully more news soon!
Look after yourselves and enjoy the summer whilst in lasts!
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Italian Opera, Thai Curry & A Cr*p Football Team
Well, what a few days it's been! As a man who firmly believes that footballers are a bunch of ridiculously overpaid, completely talentless and inarticulate to**ers, very little has dissuaded me otherwise lately. Having watched the St. Trinian's girl's second eleven... sorry 'ten'... kick penalties like they were playing in the back yard with their neighbour's six year-old daughter, all I can say is that I'm glad there's much more to life than that pitiful waste of time! What makes me really angry is I'm sure I could have kicked the penalties better myself... and I'd have done it for a fraction of the price! Football! Thank God it's over for another four years!
Anyway, just got back from the fantastic Thai at The Travellers in Holmesfield near Sheffield... a guaranteed top meal for anyone who likes really authentic Thai food. Yep, I love Thai food... and hate football. That's me... a man with taste!
Maybe all this eating out and downing lots of cold lager (yep, that Singa's nice!) is getting me in the right (physical) shape to really appreciate opera too! Perhaps I should accelerate things and strap a pillow to my belly, don my old tuxedo (from pharmaceutical sales days!), a bow tie, wear a cummerbund and start trying to warble like a poor man's Pavarotti. Nope, I really haven't the voice for it! Unlike the wonderful Scott Davies who has recorded the vocals on the latest track to be featured on the Lyrico website.
Scott who sang in Phantom Of The Opera for 3 years, has recorded both an English and Italian version of an Opera-Ballad crossover song that I co-wrote with Glenn Tollett, founder member of The Enid. Yes, this is a slightly new direction (a bit like some of those penalties!) for me, but it has been a wonderful experience.
This evocative ballad (described by Glenn as a vocal tour de force) has been translated into Italian (under the title Fammi Innamorar'!!) and is being marketed to some of the top international classical/opera/ballad singers... you no doubt know the names! The English version is Love To Love Again. Please just click on the track titles to hear them!
More soon... when I've recovered from the embarrassment of being English! Only joking... The music's great, just shame about the football!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Lyrico website - - is 1 year old today!
Yes, believe it or not, the parent website of this Blog is actually celebrating its 1st birthday today! It was on June 16, 2005 that the "Live Build" took place on my Web Design course in Nottingham, and the first draft went across the Atlantic to a server in Atlanta to start demoing some of my co-writes to the world! Is it really a year?!
Since then, the site has been steadily upgraded: it's had at least three face lifts - pretty extreme, even by Hollywood standards! (And even more so for a 1-year-old!) New songs are being added to the site regularly, links updated, and then finally, four or five weeks ago, this Blog was added.
In fact, I'm really proud of the diversity of material that's demoed on the site now: there's some great potential singles there and a range of quality album tracks for the Industry to hear - basically, if you're in the music industry and looking for songs for either yourself, your band, or your artists to record, there's some crackers on the Lyrico site... And that's down to a really big thank you to all the co-writers I've been lucky enough to work with. (You all know who you are!)
Feel free to have a slice of the birthday cake with me... Hear Sample Co-Writes Here!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Alimentary, my dear Watson: Remixes that turn your stomach... Oh, and a Curry
Monday, May 29, 2006
Bank Holiday Update: Florence, Domes, Dogs & Deals
Why does it always happen to me? There's me giving my seat up to a frail old Italian lady, and finding the only place I could squeeze my mercifully fairly lanky frame into was now at the very back of the bus. Italy's hot... and so are bus engines. Anyway, two stops later, despite it being like sardines, two of the 'great unwashed' get on with a dog on a rope (yep, you can guess what's coming!). After about ten minutes of avoiding the scruffy dog's tail and snout, the said snout erupts in a plume of vomit. The dog does what 'domestic' animals tend to do and tries to clean it up before its owners have noticed... no, it hasn't got a mop and bucket, just a tongue! Then the little sod starts licking the legs of everyone around! I'm seldom in shorts, but because it was 27 degrees C outside, I was that day. I was still feeling queasy after a pit stop for a good wash and a few beers, and maybe that's why I couldn't cope with the dome! (Well, that's my excuse, anyway!)
Now on to music and deals... I got back to hear some more good news from Paul Jeffery about one of our co-writes, Summer Love. John Keenan of Motiv8 Records (that we assigned the track to) has negotiated a short-term deal (3 months) with a digital (Internet) label to help promote the song. The label/link is and they're based in Brighton. It's run by a contact of John's from the days of Fragma (remember Fragma?). The track will be available for sale as a download too. They are also heavily linked with Musicweek and its new download chart, so we're hopeful of some action there... hint, hint!
The track is going to fronted by the glamorous Cheryl Barnes of Angelstar Productions in Scotland... in fact, Cheryl was the session singer we used on the recording anyway and the Motiv8 re-mix should be ready this week. John wants to call the project 'Cinnamon' and Cheryl will, in effect, be Cinnamon.
There'll also be a Biog Page on the Daddy Fresh site about Sundance Songs (which, for the so far uninitiated, is Paul, Decibelle/Sharon Sullivan - our stormin' in-house dance producer, and yours truly). In the meantime we're still very much contactable via of course! (And via or
Summer Love.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Lyricist Chris Breen's May 2006 News Blog
Apologies for this, but I'm gonna cheat for my first one and copy the news section (updated this week on 15 May 2006) from my Lyrico website ( and paste it in... after that, I promise, I'll add to the blog live! Anyway, here goes...
Great new pop-rock/Power Pop song "All I Want From Love" by Paul Jeffery and Chris Breen is produced by Norwegian producer Torgeir Bjordal of FUELLED Productions. Track available for male artists to cover* or for licensing. Hear the track now by clicking HERE!
*N.B. Female lyrics are available for All I Want From Love.
Chris has formed a Dance Music top-line and songwriting company with songwriter Paul Jeffery and dance record producer Decibelle/Sharon Sullivan. The company is called Sundance Songs and we specialise in extremely radio-friendly, accessible dance music, writing songs for artists to re-record as covers or, alternatively, using session vocalists and offering tracks as masters for licensing.
The first track to come out of Sundance Songs, Summer Love, gained a huge amount of interest, with discussions relating to licensing and recording happening with 6 or 7 companies in as many weeks. Click here to hear the track! In March negotiations continued and the team are in the process of signing a Licensing and Publishing deal. All being well, the track should be released and be commercially available across Europe this summer!
Full licensing deal signed to Motiv8 records on May 8 2006 for Summer Love. Watch this space!
Fresh from Sharon's studio is the another version of Could The Earth Turn? Check out the remix/ re-recording (with Sally Rivers on vocals) HERE!
If you are a Dance Producer, Record label or Recording Artist/Singer working in the field of dance and need top-quality songs and/or top-line melodies & lyrics writing for you, then Paul, Chris and Sharon would like to hear from you now via Sundance Contacts. Also, we are keen to find ambitious - and reliable! - backing track writers/producers in the dance field to work with. Please check out the Sundance Songs Website. Speak to you soon!
Chris is working on a variety of top-line writing projects with songwriter Paul Jeffery. This versatile writing partnership has recently penned a variety of tracks including...
- A mid-tempo Jazz track Little Lost with Saint Etienne bassist, Ian Catt
- A couple of really commercial RnB tracks with writer/producer Andy McNeil (Click on track title to hear Ain't No Doubt)
- Pop and Pop-Rock co-writes with various other writers... tracks are currently in production
Paul and Chris are also building a catalogue of commercial pop, dance, soul and rock songs and are happy to hear from Artists, Songwriters, Producers, Management Companies and Record Labels looking for material and wanting tracks or top-lines commissioned.
Chris has also been working extensively with Norwegian songwriter and producer Torgeir Bjordal.
The latest co-write is an absolute belter! Listen to Independence Day here!
Chris, Sturle Strauss Lisaeth and Torgeir have had an offer of publishing on Nothing's Changed from Leopard Music and are presently in negotiations over that. Also, Welsh Country-Rock singer, Beth Williams, has recorded the feel-good pop-rock track All Because Of You penned by Torgeir and Chris, and this tracks is planned to be included on her forthcoming album Enigma.
Chris is working extensively with Peter Baker and their track Sex & Revolution has been recorded by the top-selling male recording artist in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Fuad Backovic or Deen, who represented Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest.
Speaking of Eurovision, Paul and Chris have penned an absolute must as a Eurovision Song Contest entry! (When you hear it you'll know why!) Please email us if you are looking for an entry next year... English lyrics only, but we're open to offers from any country looking for what we really believe could be a potential winner. Please Email for details!